2010 m. birželio 30 d., trečiadienis


You know you're obsessed with Bill Kaulitz when...
-when someone says "Germany", you automatically think of Bill
-when you read "automatically" you thought of the song "Automatic".
-you recongnize his voice.
-you now LOVE sour candies..esp red Skittles.
-you named something of yours "BILL"
-you attempted his crazy lion's mane hair...but failed
-you know everything about him.
-you imagine running into him wherever you are at the moment.
-you smile when he smiles.
-you seek for revenge/comebacks for those who say something bad about Bill
-you watched/read almost every interview
-you have a folder in your computer labeled as "Bill pics"
- you repeat the video when Bill says "her lips...downstairs"
-you sing along with Bill in German but have no idea whats he singing.
-you'r conviced that Bill is a special creature created by God.
-you write "Kaulitz" next to ur name to see how it'll look/sound like
-you forget what you were upset/crying about, when he smile
-you get butterflies everytime you think about him
-you don't care whether your friends think he's a girl
-you have thought about what your wedding would be like
-you could stare at one picture of him for hours.

Viskas tiesa. Aš apsėsta ;DD

2 komentarai:

  1. ir šitas ? :OOO -you attempted his crazy lion's mane hair...but failed :DDD
    -you write "Kaulitz" next to ur name to see how it'll look/sound like - šitą tai ir aš pastebėjau :DD
    Žodžiu, užuojauta Pauliukai :D

  2. Taip :D bandžiau kažkada, bet nepavyko :DD Billas vienintelis ir nepakartojamas ;D
    Bet gi gražiai skamba Paulina Kaulitz 8)
    Ir nereikia čia jokios užuojautos man ;DD
